Tiffany Mika Podcast

Be Curious And Start With A Beginner's Mind

Be Curious And Start With A Beginner's Mind - Tiffany Mika
Why start with a beginner's mind? If you don't know how to do something don't expect that you should know how to do it. And here is why in this episode.

Lessons Learned: It's Not The Destination It's The Journey

Lessons Learned: It's Not The Destination It's The Journey - Tiffany Mika
Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach. What can you learn from this quote, "it's not the destination, it's the journey." Listen to this episode.

Are You Mentally Ready To Compete?

Are You Mentally Ready To Compete? - Tiffany Mika
How mentally ready do you think you are to compete? Especially right now in the world where there is no competitive sport but it will be back some time soon in the future. Will you be ready? Discover what you must be working on to get ready for competition.

Not Improving As Fast As You Would Like?

Not Improving As Fast As You Would Like? - Tiffany Mika
When we look at our sport we judge ourselves on whether we have won or lost to whether we are improving. And that's actually not the right way to look at it. If you judge yourself purely on whether you have had a win or a loss, then we have a problem. Here is why in this episode.

Lessons Learned: Don't Lose Sight Of Your Path

Lessons Learned: Don't Lose Sight Of Your Path - Tiffany Mika
Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach. In this episode we look at how you can stay on track, not let Covid-19 stop you from going after your goals.

Managing Your Mindset Through Lockdown

Managing Your Mindset Through Lockdown - Tiffany Mika
All around the world we are going through some form of lockdown. We have restrictions placed on us but how do we manage our mindset when we are in lockdown? In this episode we work on where you must put your focus and how to get through these challenges thrown at you.

What To Do When You Hit A Plateau

What To Do When You Hit A Plateau - Tiffany Mika
How would you know if you hit a plateau? When you hit a plateau it feels like you are going backwards. But are you really going backwards? In this episode we look at what to do if you hit a plateau.

Lessons Learned: Spending The Time To Teach

Lessons Learned: Spending The Time To Teach - Tiffany Mika
Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach. Have you taught anything to anyone? Look at the lessons and what you can learn when you are teaching someone.

How To Become Mentally Stronger

How To Become Mentally Stronger - Tiffany Mika
When you are mentally stronger, your performance level improves, you are motivated, you love doing the hard work and training which then leads you to going after your sports dream. But how do you become mentally stronger? Listen to this episode.

Part 3: Goal Setting - End Of Month Destiny - Sport And Life

Part 3: Goal Setting - End Of Month Destiny - Sport And Life - Tiffany Mika
This is the final part of the three part episodes for goal setting for this quarter. This is where you will be able to break the goals down into months and weeks to make them achievable chunks. That's the best way to accomplish goals in bite size chunks. Get ready to listen to this final episode and finish your goals so that you can get moving.

Part 2: Goal Setting - What Challenges Will You Encounter

Part 2: Goal Setting - What Challenges Will You Encounter - Tiffany Mika
Now that you have completed Part 1 Goal Setting, it's time to move into Part 2. You should be now clear on what goals you are setting for your life and your sport. Now it is time to identify what problems or challenges you will encounter and how you will overcome them. Listen to this episode so that you know what are the next steps to be taken,

Part 1: Goal Setting - End Of Game Analysis And Your Next Quarter Destiny

Part 1: Goal Setting - End Of Game Analysis And Your Next Quarter Destiny - Tiffany Mika
We have come to the end of another quarter. What a challenging quarter it has been. Many changes throughout the world due to COVID-19. However we are going to look back at last quarter, I will show you how and then reset our destiny for the next quarter. Are you ready? Let's go!!!