Video Golf Tips With Tiff

#203 The Number 1 Secret To Hitting Your Hybrids Consistently

Are you struggling with your hybrid? It’s supposed to be the easier club to hit with! That’s what they are designed to do. But why are you still struggling with it? I’m going to show you a simple thing in this video tip that will help you hit the ball consistently.

#202 The Number 1 Secret to Hitting Your Irons Consistently

Are you struggling to hit your irons consistently? I am going to show you in today’s tip how to make sure you are doing this one thing so you can create better consistency out of your irons. Make sure you check out this golf swing video tip.

#197: The Swoosh Swing Pitch Shot

Have you ever wanted to have something simple so that you can hit the ball up in the air and do it consistently? That’s what I’m going to show you how to do today. I love giving you simple things to work on because that’s where the magic is in your golf. Keeping it simple.

#193 Web TV: Want Golf Consistency - Do Something About It

Are you wanting to be more consistent with your golf game? Here in this video is  what you will need to do to gain more consistency in your whole golf game during competition.

#192 Web TV: Why Do You Play Golf?

Why do you play golf? Want do you want to get out of your golf? When you get frustrated with it you want to give it up. But don't give up and this is why. Check out this video with Tiff. (The Lady Golf Teacher).

#188 Web TV: A Simple Way To Gain Consistent Golf Swing

The thing that I am going to do today is to show you something very simple to think about with your swing because a lot of people are not aware of what goes on in their golf swing.

#186 Web TV: How To Get A Consistent Golf Swing With Any Club

Would you like to know how to get a consistent golf swing? Especially with any golf club you use? Anything from a driver right through to your sand wedge or even lob wedge? In this video you will discover a simple technique to implement into your swing that you can apply straight away.

#185 Web TV: How To Hit Your Driver Consistently Straight

Nothing more frustrating than teeing off and watching your ball sail off into the trees. In this video I will show you how to hit your ball consistently straight off the tee. View the video now.

#184 Web TV: The Simple Way Hit Your Driver Consistently Straight

There is a way to hit your driver consistently straight and it is easy to do. All you need to do is to watch this video on how to hit your driver consistently straight then apply the simple steps shown. It will be much easier for you when you know what to work on.

#183 Web TV: How To Be Consistently Straight With Your Driver

If you are able to hit a ball consistently straight with your driver off the tee, how would that make you feel? Confident? Of course, but how do you do that? In this video discover how you can hit the ball consistently straight with your driver every time you stand on the tee.

#182 Web TV: Hit Your Driver Consistently Down The Fairway

Are you tired of your driver shot going off to the right or left into the trees? Discover here in this video how you can hit your driver consistently down the middle of the fairway with this one little tweak.

#180 Web TV: Get Consistency With Your Driver

Do you find that you struggle with consistency with your driver? In this video you will discover why you struggle with consistency with your driver and how you can gain consistency with your driver. Check out this video and get more consistency with your driver now!