#193 Web TV: Want Golf Consistency - Do Something About It

Want Golf Consistency - Do Something About It

Are you frustrated with your golf and feel like giving up? Don’t give up.

I want to share some thoughts with you, not really thoughts, I want to share with you what to do and how to overcome the feeling of wanting to give up.

Not a video tip today, a talk. You may have seen, last week’s video when I was talking about why you play golf, I hope you had a look at that one because I want you to bring it back to the core of why you actually play golf.

If you don’t know why you play golf, you don’t understand why you play golf, your golf journey will be really frustrating because you need to take it back to the core reason of why you are playing.

Last week I shared with you of why I love playing, I love the feeling of how the ball feels of the clubface, I love the sound of the ball going into the hole, I love the sound of what it feels like off the clubface when I hit a really pure shot. It’s beautiful, that nice easy feeling. Make sure you have a look at the last video because I talk to you very seriously about why you play golf.

We have now established why you play golf. Now what?
You are frustrated. I get it all the time, people come to me and tell my that they can’t get consistent, I can’t do this and I can’t do that.

So, how much time do you practice?

Well, I don’t practice.

How many comp rounds do you play? 

Maybe two, maybe three rounds a week.

So, what about practice?

Well, no, I don’t have time for practice.

Why not?

Those are my golf days.

Don’t play comp!

Don’t play competition golf if you are frustrated with your golf and you do not know what to do about it. Do not play golf right now, in the sense of competition.

Go out and start practicing. Use those days to actually go out and practice. That could be practice on the golf course, it could be practicing specific techniques, it could be having a lesson and then going and working on those specific techniques.

If you don’t do anything about it you are going to be in the same position forever.
It may even get worse. You may at times feel like you are getting worse.

There is a quote, I think it may be from Einstein. Doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result. He said it was the sign of insanity.

I’m not saying that you are insane but what I am saying is if you are doing the same thing, going to comp every Tuesday, every Thursday, whatever it is, and you are getting the same results and you are getting frustrated, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

If you are getting really frustrated with your golf right now and nothing is changing,

You know you have a problem, you are really struggling with a particular part of your game or all parts of your game, then what are you going to do about it?

Ask yourself the question, what am I going to do about it?

Am I just going to continue down this path and keep doing what I am doing and get really frustrated, get upset, cry after finishing the game, get really depressed, dread going back out on the golf course the next day to play another round of competition, so frightened of what I am going to do.


Have a look, ask yourself, what is the problem, why am I not consistent, why are thing not happening for me right now?

Get to the core root of the problem. I can tell you right now
what your problem is, you don’t have lessons, if you had lessons you don’t go and practice on the things you need to be working on and then you expect it to come and hit you in your comp days.

It doesn’t happen, it doesn’t work like that

You have to put the time in to get the time out. It’s like a bank account. You have to put deposits in the bank account so you can then withdraw.

If you don’t put anything in the bank account, your golf bank account, you don’t put anything in there, you don’t deposit in the practice, you don’t deposit in the lesson time, you don’t deposit on working on your head, you don’t deposit any of this type of thing, how are you expected to then be able to withdraw from your golf bank account?

You can’t. You haven’t put the time in. You have not put the time in. I’m giving you tough love at the moment, but if you want to get something out of your golf game you are going to have to do something different.

What I want you to do today is to analyse your problems.

What are your problems?

Write them all down, you can send me an email if you want to, you can leave a comment below this video, whatever, it’s fine.

Write down what your problems are with your golf and then write down what you are going to do to fix them. What is it that you are going to do to fix them?

Unless you do the work to fix your problems you are always going to have problems.

Got that off my chest!

I would love you to send me a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today and if you have friends that you know will benefit from these videos, it would be absolutely awesome if you could share them, because we want to build the Lady Golf Teacher Community as big as we possibly can.

Keep your eye out for the Lady Golf Teacher Academy, it’s in the process of behind the scenes putting together and if you want to be part of it, so you can get your golf to go onwards and upwards, keep it the back of your mind, it’s coming out soon.

Have an absolutely awesome day, take care, and remember; Tee it high and Let it fly.

To your golfing success,
If you enjoyed today’s tip “#193 Web TV: Want Golf Consistency - Do Something About It” please do me a favour, share with your friends on Facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  


  • Ha! so true Tiff! no surprises for me here; I DO need to practise more regularly the insightful tips you give me for my game … feeling inspired :)

    Joanne Palm


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