Video Golf Tips With Tiff

#158 Web TV: How To Play Your 2nd Shot Without Stuffing It Up

Do you always feel nervous when you are about to play your 2nd shot? Are you worried that as usual you are going to stuff it up? View this video to see how to play your 2nd shot successfully.

#157 Web TV: How Do You Set Up To Play Your 2nd Shot Successfully - Part 1

Why is it that you can hit a reasonable drive off the tee yet your 2nd shot just is not as good, there are miss hits etc? In this video you will discover how to hit a better second shot.

#156 Web TV: How to Play Your Driver First Shot on the First Tee

Nothing is more nerve racking than standing on the first tee wanting to play the driver straight and start with a good shot off the first tee. In this video I will show you how to play your driver off the first tee with ease.

#155 Web TV: How To Hit A Driver Straight Side View

There is one simple element you need to look for. And this is what you are shown in this video, how to hit a driver straight. If you get it right you will get straight shots consistently.

#154 Web TV: How To Hit Your Driver Straight

There is a simple way to hit your driver straight it's all about the club face. In this video you will discover exactly what you need to know to hit your driver straight.

#153 Web TV: How to Improve Your Concentration On The Golf Course

How to improve your concentration on the golf course is simple if you know how. And you only need 5 minutes a day to notice the difference. View this video and discover what you can do.

#152 Web TV: Which Is The Best Chipping Stance?

Which is the best chipping stance to use when playing your chip shot? In this video we will discover which one will be the best for chipping stance for you.

#151 Web TV: How To Deal With Pressure When Playing Your Chip Shot In Competition

When you are practicing your chip shot it is so much easier than when you are playing competition? Well there is a reason. Come and see in this video tip why you perform so much better in practice rather than competition.

#150 Web TV: How YOU Can Improve Your Chip Shot

What do you need to look for and how can you improve your chip shot? Come and video tip from Tiff and identify how you can improve your chip shot.

#149 Web TV: Where Should The Ball Be In Your Chip Shot?

Where is the be place to position your golf ball in your chip shot? Come see this video tip and you will discover the best ball position to play a chip shot.

#148 Web TV: Golf and Tours Interview With Ainslie Saunders

Calling all lady golfers who are looking for golf tours catered for them. Look no further. In this video today I talk with Ainslie Saunders who is specializing in golf tours for women.

#147 Web TV: How To Set Up For Your Chip Shot

Here is a very simple method on how to set up for your chip shot and play your chip shots consistently and effectively every time. No more guess work.