#157 Web TV: How Do You Set Up To Play Your 2nd Shot Successfully - Part 1

How Do You Set Up To Play Your 2nd Shot Successfully - Part 1

Why is it that you can hit the tee shot, feels pretty good off the tee and you can get it down there but then it comes to the second shot and it just doesn’t seem to work. It just seems to not work. Why does that happen? We’re going to talk about that today.

When people tee off, I can see some really nice drives, people that I work with and so on and I see some really nice tee shots. Yet, when they get down to the next shot they seem to struggle with it, and, believe me, I had the same thing when I was learning to play golf. I could boom the drive down there but always mucking up the second and the third shot and I didn’t know why. Why that was happening and that’s where the frustration came in. I understand why you are going through that right now. I understand what you are going through because I have been there as well.

The thing is, how to fix it. Well, it’s actually something really simple to fix it. I think you’ll like this.
There is only one thing that is missing between the tee shot and the second shot. It’s rhythm. It’s something so, so simple.

If you are hitting the ball really well off the tee, what you want to be able to do is the rhythm that you had and you felt with your tee shot, is to recreate that same feel when you are playing your next shot.

What I want you to be thinking about when you are actually going to tee off and you are playing your tee shot, is to take that tee shot with you into your second shot. We’re here and having a nice easy practice swing, getting the feel, a nice easy slow rhythm, getting the feel of the shot and then go and play the shot.

I’ll play a tee shot. That was a nice easy swing. What we want to be able to do is when we go down to play the next shot, we have to recreate the same feeling that we just did with the driver.

What I want you to be thinking about is; what is the rhythm that I have, and what is the feel of the rhythm that I have with the driver because it is working so well. All I need to do is to recreate that rhythm when I’m standing over the next ball and then play that shot.

I will show you in a future video how we actually play that second shot, but for now I want you to feel like you are taking the rhythm of the driver that you have created and then go down and play the same thing with your second shot.

That was simple. You want to create the same rhythm. That’s where people start to lose it, with the rhythm, it’s just not the same.

I hope you enjoyed the video, I would love you to leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you saw today and that you are actually going to put it into action.

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Have an absolutely awesome day, take care, and remember; Tee it high and Let it fly.

To your golfing success,
If you enjoyed today’s tip “#157 Web TV: How Do You Set Up To Play Your 2nd Shot Successfully - Part 1” please do me a favour, share with your friends on Facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  

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