Reach Your Potential With Tiff
#56 Frightened Of Making Mistakes? Here's How To Overcome Them!
Do you find that you get so worried that you are going to make a mistake, that it will happen anyway?
#57 Do You Think It Is Over After The First Shot?
When you are playing your sport and you have missed your shot, you've muffed your shot, missed a pass, done a double fault, whatever your sport is... do you think it is over?
#58 It's Not As Easy As It Looks
When you watch a professional athlete, you admire them and think wow it looks so easy. They do make what they do look so easy.
Lessons Learned: 2 Lessons Learned This Week 3rd November 2018
These lessons from this week I quite often find they are a work in progress.
#59 Most Things Take Longer Than You Think
Consider this statement for a moment. 'Most Things Take Longer Than You Think.' Would you agree?
#60 When Will It Happen?
You know when you have set your goals, you are really excited because you have sat down, you have planned them out, then you have begun to work on them, you have set the deadlines (and may have missed the goal date) and you then question when will they ever be achieved?
#84 Have You Set Your Theme For The Year?
Have you considered setting a theme for this year? This is yes relevant for your goal setting but the focus for setting a theme is how are you going to apply this theme to everything that you do?
#61 Is There Such A Thing As A Quick Fix?
Do you believe there is such a thing as a quick fix? I see this all the time in sport, people are looking for quick fixes.
#85 Give Yourself The Space You Need
We can get so caught up in just doing and doing. This is why having a break through Christmas and New Year is so good for us. We need some mental down time - I call it recovery time.
#86 What The Apprentice Hairdresser Said?
What did the apprentice hairdresser say? Interesting conversation I has with the apprentice hairdresser last week. She was telling me how ???
Lessons Learned: 2 Lessons Learned This Week 10th November 2018
This week I found myself in a bit of a dilemma and was facing an obstacle that kept coming up each day. I know if I didn't tackle it then it would continue to come up.