Reach Your Potential With Tiff
#46 Saying This Phrase - You Will Always Make Mistakes
There is a phrase that Tiff constantly hears people say, whether it is out on the golf course or in every day life.
Lessons Learned: 2 Lessons Learned This Week 13th Oct 2018
Lessons learned this week have been powerful. Remember learning lessons about yourself will help you learn & grow.
#47 Look For The Small Wins
We tend to look at the big picture majority of the time or we look at what we don't have.
#48 Be Open To Learning & Improving
When we are young we are on a huge learning curve. We are booked in for lessons to virtually everything and we are constantly learning.
#49 The Basics Are The Key To Achieving Everything
When you watch professional athletes, dancers, musicians etc plus successful entrepreneurs... you may ask this question why are they do good at what they do?
#50 Don't Have Time?
Are you one of these people no matter how small the project, task or skill maybe - that would benefit you so much, yet you come back and say that you don't have time
Lessons Learned: 2 Lessons Learned This Week 20th Oct 2018
Lessons learned this week have had a real impact. Remember learning lessons about yourself will help you learn & grow
#51 Is There A Problem In Having High Expectations?
Do you have high expectations? Do you believe it is good to have high expectations?
#52 Working Through The Frustrations
Do you get so frustrated with things that you could just scream? Especially when you are working on your goals and you don't feel like you are getting anywhere?
#53 If You Are Not Growing You Are What?
What do you think of that title? If you are not growing you are...?
Lessons Learned: 2 Lessons Learned This Week 27th Oct 2018
Lessons learned this week have had a real impact. Remember learning lessons about yourself will help you learn & grow.
#55 Does Anxiety Hold You Back From Performing Well In Your Sport?
I have got a few questions to ask you. When you are playing your sport...