Reach Your Potential With Tiff

Half Time Series Part 1 - Life Categories Evaluation

Half time has arrived! Here we are in the middle of the year. And what do we do when we reach half time in a game?

Lessons Learned: 2 Lessons Learned This Week 10th November 2018

This week I found myself in a bit of a dilemma and was facing an obstacle that kept coming up each day. I know if I didn't tackle it then it would continue to come up.

#87 Gaining Momentum For The Year

Coming into the new year from a break can get really tough into creating momentum. I don't know about you but this year has been tough in creating and building the momentum. But it is a work in progress. 

#63 How To Deal With Overwhelm

Do you find that you have so much to do that you don't even know where to start? And you look at everything that you need to do and it looks all too hard that it will virtually paralyze you from doing anything?

#88 Getting Really Ticked Off - Reality Check

This is a reality check and for you to get really ticked off (peed off) with yourself today. I want you to look at what you haven't yet achieved and get real with yourself, do you want it or not??

#89 Plan Take Action Plan Take Action

I have had many people tell me that they want to improve in their sport etc, they want it but it seems to just stay in their head. I am curious to know what is holding them back from moving forward and achieving what they want...

Half Time Series Part 2 - Life Categories - Goal Setting For Next 6 Months

This is Part 3 in the Half Time Series.

 We are now going to turn your Life Categories into goals for the next 6 months then break them down into this next upcoming quarter.

#64 How To Deal With Distractions

Do you find that you can get easily distracted? It's easy to be distracted these days, we have so much coming at us.

#90 What Did This Uni Student Learn?

I was talking with a Uni Student last week and he wanted to get a job in marketing... but as things unfolded it wan't the type of job he was actually looking for to work.

#65 Being Quick Makes Your Results Worse

I get it! We all live in a world where we can get almost anything we want on demand. Everyone is always in a rush - quick, quick, quick.

#91 What Is Really True - A True Reality of You

Reality for some people can be really scary and they will find it painful to face reality. 

#66 Mindset Is Everything

How we think is everything. How we think about everything is everything!