Half Time Series Part 2 - Life Categories - Goal Setting For Next 6 Months

This is Part 3 in the Half Time Series.

 We are now going to turn your Life Categories into goals for the next 6 months then break them down into this next upcoming quarter.

 This is laid out for you in detail in this episode but here are the main action steps below for you to get to work on.

 Life Categories

Health Emotional Health Mental Health Family Partner/Friends Lifestyle Energy Health Finances (Your Treasure) Growth (Learning) Self Care

 Step 1

Establish your 6 Month Goal in each life category. How you do that is by asking yourself these two questions below;

What is your current reality? What do I want to be true by December 31st 2019? (And then list all the action steps that needs to take place).

 Step 2

Establish your 3 Month Goal in each life category. How you do that is by asking yourself these two questions below;

What is your current reality? What do I want to be true by September 30th 2019? (And then list all the action steps that needs to take place).


Each step is laid out in detail on this episode so ensure you listen to it to accompany what you need to do here.


Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

 To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

 Connect With Tiff Here: 

SnapChat: tiffanymika01 

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