Weight Loss Series

4 Reasons How Exercise Can Benefit You In The Winter

4 Reasons How Exercise Can Benefit You In The Winter
During the winter months you can at times feel like you want to avoid doing a training session at the gym or even do some exercise outside. Who wants to be out in the cold? (Brrrrr!!!) Here are 4 reasons why exercise can benefit you in the winter season.

Want To Get Rid Of Belly Fat For Good?

Want To Get Rid Of Belly Fat For Good?
Those last few kilos that are clinging to your middle often feel like the most difficult kilos to lose. Fortunately for all of us, there are scien...

3 Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

3 Ways To Get Rid Of Belly Fat
Research is constantly uncovering how to remove excess belly fat. Remember, belly fat is a danger to your health especially the kind that’s visceral, lying deep in the body’s midsection. It’s associated with insulin resistance, inflammation, and a greater risk of chronic health problems. When it comes to body fat, it’s just the worst of the worst.

Weight Loss Series: What To Do When You Hit A Weight Loss Plateau

Weight Loss Series: What To Do When You Hit A Weight Loss Plateau - Tiffany Mika
What do you do when you have hit a weight loss plateau? The first thing is to lose the weight but then what happens when you have hit the weight loss plateau? Discover what you can do to overcome your weight loss plateau in this video.