Ambition Habits Podcast

How To Manage Expectations In Sport

How To Manage Expectations In Sport
How to manage expectations in sport is crucial for you the sports competitor to maintain motivation, focus, and a healthy mindset. In this episode are strategies to help you to manage expectations in sport effectively.

How To Build Belief And Confidence In Yourself

How To Build Belief And Confidence In Yourself
Building belief and confidence is like a developing a skill. The more you work on it, the skill the better it becomes. Building belief and confidence in oneself is an ongoing journey, and it's unique for everyone. Here in this episode discover the strategies you can use to build belief and confidence in yourself.

How To Build Confidence From Scratch

How To Build Confidence From Scratch
Can you build confidence from scratch when you feel like you are at confidence zero? Absolutely! There is a confidence formula that you can use to help build confidence in you so that you can have confidence when you are playing your sport out on the playing field.

Can Confidence Be Learned?

Can Confidence Be Learned?

Can confidence be learned? Absolutely! Confidence isn’t something you’re simply born with it's a skill you can develop. Confidence is like a muscle as you can build confidence with practise. In this episode you will learn why you lack confidence and then how to build your confidence.

Struggling With Confidence - How To Build Confidence 101

Struggling With Confidence - How To Build Confidence 101 - Tiffany Mika
Are you struggling with confidence? Listen to this episode and you will discover how to build your confidence in yourself to go after your goals in your life and in your sport.