Reach Your Potential With Tiff
Lessons Learned: 1 Lesson Learned This Week 15th December2018
#33 Mastering The Basics - Get Those Right First
Lessons Learned For 2018 - What Are Your Lessons Learned for 2018?
Here we are rapidly approaching the end of 2018, only a few days away from Christmas. As you know I have been sharing lessons learned with you since launching this Podcast. I thought it would be appropriate to look back at 2018 and reflect at the lessons learned throughout the year. The major lessons learned.
#34 Stop Criticising Yourself
#98 You Take Care Of You - Be Self Reliant
You came into this world with the only real possessions that matter.
Lessons Learned: 3 Lessons Learned This Week 22nd Sept 2018
#35 What You Think & Say Will Affect Everything You Do
Do You Want Everything Yesterday
For you to get to where you want to go, where you want to be in your life - there is a gap!
You may also feel desperate to get out of the situation you are in! But wanting it all yesterday can be because you are trying to get out of the situation you are in. I was there believe me I get it!
How To Overcome The Mountain You Create
How we look or perceive things, we can create mountains. And truth be known, they are not mountains, it is just that we have created mountains in our minds. It is quite easy to knock down the mountain if we catch ourselves.
#36 Why Being Impatient Is Not Getting You Results You Want
You Can't Get Someone To Do Your Push Ups For You
When we are striving towards our dreams and goals, it would be great to get someone else to do them for us - like outsource for example. But at the end of the day, we have to do the work.