How to achieve your goals for this year, 2016 and every year on wards.
In today's tip from Tiff we are going to discuss how to get your mind ready for action and how to achieve your goals for 2016 and every other year from this point forward.
Each year we come up with a plan of what we want to achieve for our golf. Some people set new year's resolutions... Personally I am not a big fan of setting new year's resolutions nor setting goals.
So when we come up with a plan, we are wanting to achieve something for the year. It could be getting better results, get more consistent, get more focused and improve the handicap.
So rather than working on how to achieve your goals for this year we are going to work on doing this instead.
Step One: I want you to Set An Intention for what you want to achieve for 2016.
What is the intention you want to set for yourself?
Is it that you want to play more consistent golf, do you want to be more focused, do you want to concentrate better or is it that you want to get your handicap to a certain level? What is it that you are looking to achieve for 2106?
Once you have set your intention then we move onto;
Step Two: I want you to set a Theme for this year.
To give you an example, I have set the theme for this year around high performance. Therefore you will hear a lot from me about better performance on the golf course and better performance mentally, because this is the theme I have set.
My theme of high performance is for me to perform better at everything I do, in my businesses, my golf teaching, my teaching you, my training and even the food I eat. This year is the year to perform at a much higher level.
I have discussed this with a few of my clients for this year and one particular woman, her theme is commitment. So she is committed to practice, committed to improvement, committed to improving her mental game and commitment to improvement on the golf course.
My mum is another example, her theme for the year is to focus, so she can too achieve what she wants for this year through better focus.
Now back to you!
So this is what you need to do right now.
- Set Your Intention of what you want to achieve for this year 2016.
- What is your theme that you are going to focus on in your golf and every area of your life for 2016.
Whatever your theme maybe... high performance... commitment... focus... concentration... consistency and so on. this is your decision.
Now I am going to ask a favour. Once you have set your intention and theme for 2016, I want you to leave a comment below and share with me what it is. This is how to achieve your goals for 2016.
If you enjoyed today’s tip “#95 Web TV: How To Achieve Your Goals for This Year” please do me a favour, share with your friends on facebook and please leave your comments below.
Tiffany Mika
P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!