#89 Web TV: The Final Piece To Consistent Chipping

The final piece to consistent chipping that will make all the difference and cement the last few chipping videos.

Welcome to today’s chipping session.

Yes we have another tip on chipping just to make sure that you’re on the right track with what you’re doing.

So the plan here is actually getting you to hit the grass just before the ball.

You probably seen a video that I’ve done probably a month or so ago and I spoke about hitting the grass just before the ball for your swing?

Well, it’s not different here when you are chipping. It’s exactly the same thing... you want to make sure in hitting the grass.

When people get very nervous with the chip shots, they are tense because the nerves come in. The mind is going crazy and the fear here is to make mistake. What actually happens is you make a mistake anyway. So when you got to play and “Ughhh!” And then you lift the club up. The club doesn’t hit the grass and balls skews all over the place and what happens is disaster and you say, “You know, I really can’t chip today, it’s so hard. I am so hopeless I don't know why I am here.”

Let’s tackle that!

What I want you to think about is when you set up, when you do practice swing, your focus is to make sure you’re hitting the grass.

So just do nice and easy back and through swing. But what you what you want to do this time is you want to hit that grass and... swoosh the grass.

Back and through, swoosh!

Back and through, swoosh! Hit the grass!

Look at the video above so you understand what I am talking about here...

If you think about my hand is being the grass, so what you want to do here is you set the club up just behind the ball on the grass which is my hand. When the club comes back down, you want the club to hit the grass just before so then the ball can climb up and then up in the air.

Remember, the first thing you do a back and through swing and hit the swoosh of the grass (practice swing) and then set up to the ball and then do back and through, and hit the grass.

Back and through, swoosh!

That is I want you to focus on so I hope you enjoy that chipping tip for today.

Actually, I hope you enjoy the last few chipping tips because if you’re working at it, just imagine your chipping will  improve dramatically.

To your golfing success,

 If you enjoyed today’s tip “#89 Web TV: The Final Piece To Consistent Chipping” please do me a favour, share with your friends on facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  

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