#51 Web TV: Insider Secret on How To Improve The Golf Swing

How to Improve Your Golf Swing!

Are you tired of the mis-hits you encounter when you are playing golf?

Get ready as the time has come to get that golf swing of yours working the way it can with one simple tweak.

When you see this tip, you are going to be amazed how simple it is! You will have heard before but have you really listened to what you need to do here?

Now I am going to share my 'Insider Secret" for you to improve your golf swing. So you must pay attention.

When I see golfers out playing on the golf course and even when they are practicing they are making this common error time and time again. Yet some players are aware of it sometimes, but just don't do anything about it to fix it!

Don't be one of those golfers who constantly complains about their golf swing and never takes the steps to improve...Be the one who is willing to add a very important element to your game! Be ahead of the rest!!!

Ok, so this week I am going to show you a way to stop topping the golf ball and watch it just trickle ahead a few metres in front of you. You won't have to get angry with yourself, the ball or even feel embarrassed when a whole lot your friends and golf partner are watching!

Nothing worse than making a mistake when someone watches you top the ball! You feel like you want to swing harder and faster because you are so frustrated know you can't because you know the more angry you get about making a mistake the worse your golf will get!

This is best to go to the driving range first, not just arrive onto the first tee and expect to be able to do this tip instantly. It just doesn't work like that! If you genuinely want to improve, then work on the range!

What you want to do here is to do some half swings with your shorter irons for example your 8 or 9 iron.

Get the feel of your stroke first and make sure you get the timing of your stroke!

Your aim here is to have your chin sitting on your shoulder (your right shoulder) as you make contact with the ball. You are not to lift up and see where the ball has want to feel your golf club hit the ball!

The reason you want to have your chin sitting on your right shoulder is that is keeps your upper body over the ball at contact. It's not about your head lifting up as alot of golfers say...'I lifted my head''s actually keeping your upper body over the ball. By doing this keeps your body in a better position at contact  and you will start making better contact with the ball.

Sounds simple?

Well, yes it is!

So now you have read about it, it's time to actually view the video and see how you actually do it!

Enjoy the practice.

To your golfing success,

If you enjoyed this video please do me a favour, share with your friends on facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  

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