#44 Web TV: How to Have Stability in Your Bunker Shot

How to Have Stability in Your Bunker Shot

This week's tip inspired me to share this with you at the beach.

If you are on holidays or you live near the beach and you don't get an opportunity to get to the golf course or practice range to work on your bunker shot, why not do it at the beach.

The reason I felt it was a good idea to show you this tip here was for you to get the understanding of what your feet and lower half of the body need to feel when you are completely grounded.

The less movement for the lower body in your bunker shot the better. It is all about having a stable base.

So to see what you need to don't need shoes for this one, feel the sand between your toes....view the video above and then hit the beach to practice.

Hope you enjoy this week’s tip.

To your golfing success,

If you enjoyed this please do me a favour, share with your friends on facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  

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