#41 Web TV: How To Have a Balanced Golf Swing

How To Have a Balanced Golf Swing

Hey there and welcome to this week's tip.

Today I want to share with you how to have a balanced golf swing.

What I mean by balanced in your golf swing is, maintaining your balance as you are hitting the ball and getting the feel of the timing of your golf shot.

You see you don't have to hit the cover off the golf ball to have a good shot, it's all about having control.

What I find with players I teach, even people who start to learn the game is that having good balance in your golf swing.

If you don't have good balance then your shot will be affected.

Yes there are plenty of things that go on in your golf swing, but you have to make sure you work from the ground up.

Can't wait for you to check out this week's tip and get into practice.

Check out the video above and let me know how you went with it.

To your golfing success,

If you enjoyed this please do me a favour, share with your friends on facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  


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