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"What To Expect On A Golf Tour With Tiff - The Lady Golf Teacher"
Lovely to see you here!
I am excited to see that you are interested in a Golf Tour.
I love going away with golfers like you, working on your golf games, really getting to know you as a person.
I find that once we spend some time together I can understand what you want then we can work together on making that happen for you.
Here below you will see some upcoming tours that I am part of this year 2018...
Investigate and see what appeals to you... and then if you have any questions just ask.
10th - 18th March 2018 ==>> HAWAII
12th - 23rd June 2018 ==>> SPAIN & PORTUGAL
30th July - 3rd August 2018 ==>> GOLD COAST
24th - 30th November 2018 ==>> QUEENSTOWN, NEW ZEALAND
March 2019 - Dates yet To Be Confirmed - Maui, Hawaii
July 2019 - Dates yet to Be Confirmed - Bali
August 2019 - Dates yet to be Confirmed - Ireland