#165 Web TV: What Holds You Back From Playing Consistent Golf

What Holds You Back From Playing Consistent Golf

Do you know the biggest thing that holds you back from playing consistent golf?

Could it be your driver?

Could it be putting, could it be chipping?

What do you think it could be?

I’m going to share with you exactly what is holding you back from getting what you want.

What is it that is holding you back from getting what you want out of your golf game?

Do you know what it is?

It’s YOU.

Now, why do I say that, it’s really interesting because I run a lot of consistency clinics and I get people from all over Sydney and also outside of Sydney attending them. Everyone feels exactly the same. The thing they come up with is that they just don’t trust themselves.

If you don’t trust yourself. How are you going to get what it is that you want out of your golf game?

You can practice all you want, you can come and attend the clinics that I run. The consistency clinics or any other clinics that I run. You can have lessons with numerous golf pros, or whatever, but unless you learn to trust you and to trust the decision that you make, how are you going to get the results that you want?

You can practice all you want, you can have all the lessons you want, but unless you learn to trust you, and trust what you have developed then it’s not going to work.

So, what is it?

The thing that’s going to hold you back is lack of trust. Lack of trust in yourself. We’re going to work on that today.

Today I thought we would have a quick look at the driver and developing some trust with the driver. Why not start from the tee and then work our way down the fairway over the next few weeks.

When you are standing on the tee, what runs through your mind?

Gee I hope I get the ball down the middle of the fairway. I hope I don’t make a mistake. Look at all those trees down there, I hope I don’t hit it into the trees on the right. Oh, my goodness there’s water on the left, I hope I don’t hit it into the water. You can see there is a whole list of scenarios that you are already creating and you’re not even ready to hit the ball.

We need to make sure that what you are actually doing is focusing on playing your shot. You need to stay in the moment, that’s the most important thing. You need to trust yourself and trust your swing.

You would have seen videos with me talking about creating a nice easy rhythm. That’s what we need to do, make sure we create a nice easy rhythm. The other thing we need to make sure we’re doing is developing that trust. No matter what happens, we are going to trust our swing, we’re going to trust the type of shot we are going to play and our focus is on playing the shot that we want.

We’re not worried about where the ball is going to end up because we already know in our mind where we want it to go, down the middle of the fairway. As long as you have set yourself up for that, then it’s going to happen.

This is what we’re going to do, a nice easy practice swing, we’ve done those before. All I want you to do here is once you stand and get ready for the ball, get yourself set, and say to yourself, trust your swing.

Trust your swing and then play a nice easy shot.

Don’t try to hit the cover off the ball, you can see how nice and slow that swing was, but all I’m doing is trusting my swing. I’m trusting the ability that I have. That’s what you need to make sure you’re doing as well. When you are standing on the tee, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the first tee, the fourth tee, the fifteenth tee, the eighteenth tee, every time you get set to hit your ball I want you to say trust your swing.

You need to develop trust in yourself so that you are not holding yourself back.

I hope you enjoyed today’s tip. I would love you to leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today and if you have friends that you know will benefit from these videos please share them because we want to build the Lady Golf Teacher community as big as we possibly can.

Have an absolutely awesome day, take care, and remember; Tee it high and Let it fly.

To your golfing success,
If you enjoyed today’s tip “#165 Web TV: What Holds You Back From Playing Consistent Golf” please do me a favour, share with your friends on Facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  


  • Hi Elizabeth

    Thanks for sharing. What are you thinking too much about before you hit the ball?


  • I know that is my biggest problem I think too much about it before I even hit the ball. I am keeping on trying !!

    Elizabeth Ellery
  • Hi Lynn

    Great to hear that I keep your golf grounded. Let’s see know if we can keep your thoughts spiraling out of control.

    Tiff :)

  • Hi Suzie

    Great stuff I look forward to hearing your progress.

    Tiff :)

  • You always keep my golf game grounded. Sometimes my thought spiral out of control!!! Thank you.

    Lynn Neuberger

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