#134 Web TV: 5 Steps For Your Best Golf Year 2017!

5 Steps For Your Best Golf Year 2017!


It's time to make 2017 your best year for golf. I love the beginning of the year... you can wipe your slate clean and get ready for new adventures and achieve your golf goals, your know the ones you have always wanted to achieve.

Most people don't set goals, well they do set New Year's Resolutions but the resolutions only seem to last for a few weeks then they are back into their old habits again.

Don't let this be YOU!

This year is set to be Your Best Golf Year Yet... so let's gets started on planning it now.

Step 1: Set Your Theme for The Year

I find this incredibly effective and motivating. When you set your theme for the year, that's what you focus on. I was talking to one of my clients yesterday , Jenelle, and I mentioned to her that the theme for this year for her should be 'turning her hips'. It's simple and easy to remember so that when she is playing that is her focus for her golf game, as she knows if she turns her hips, she hits the ball better.

My theme last year, 2016 was the year of High Performance... which lifted me to a whole new level of performance not only in golf but in all areas of my life. So this year my theme is "Reach My Potential", as it is time to achieve this theme. Simply because I have worked hard on foundations, now it's time to have those foundations come through to fruition.

So what is your theme for 2017?

I look forward to hearing your theme.

Step 2: Standards

What standards here means to you is, setting a particular level of what you expect from yourself on a daily basis. Now when applying it to golf, what do you expect of yourself on a daily basis?

An example here could be...

  • I always turn up to golf competitions an hour before play.
  • I always warm up all my golf shots prior to playing competition.
  • I use my breathing techniques in between each shot.
  • I remain calm after each shot (even if it not the shot I intended).
  • I always use my pre-shot routine

What you want to ensure that you do is to be detailed on what you expect from yourself. This will not only benefit your golf but will benefit every other of your life as well.

Step 3: List Your Core Values

I am a big believer in setting 6 core values. These values stay constant with me on a yearly basis. I never change them. These values should be how you live your life.

For an example these are my core values to give you an idea.

  1. Loyalty
  2. Relationships
  3. Leadership
  4. Health
  5. Fitness
  6. Adventure

What are your core values?

I look forward to reading them in the comments section below.

Step 4: Change Things Up

To give yourself variety with your golf ensure that throughout the year you are changing things up. Here is an example below of how to approach this.

  1. Add something new to your practice routine each week.
  2. Add a monthly challenge.
  3. Add a quarterly challenge.
  4. Add a yearly challenge.

PLUS... every quarter attend some type of event to grow YOU! I am a big believer on attending personal development programs that will not only help you grow but also your golf will improve too!

Step 5: Planning Your Golfing Goals For 2017

What we do here in Step 5 is to now break your ultimate goal for 2017 into a quarterly plan.


I look forward to hearing your your planning has gone.

Have an absolutely awesome day, take care, and remember; Tee it high and Let it fly.

To your golfing success,
If you enjoyed today’s tip “#134 Web TV: 5 Steps For Your Best Golf Year 2017!” please do me a favour, share with your friends on Facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  

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