Teaching Kids Life Long Skills

It is so important to teach our kids in the world the skills that will help them in their life.

How can we help our kids learn valuable skills in their life, without them realizing that they are actually learning something (especially when they are adverse to learning)?

How can we give them a skill they will have forever and be able to do forever which will give them confidence?

A skill like READING when they are adverse to reading, don't like it, hate reading or refuse to even learn to read?

In this episode I will share with you how my mother was able to engage her granddaughter (my 7 year old niece) who I call "Little Miss 7" to read. Little Miss 7 refused to do homework, participate in class and would not be open to learning how to read, even when the Principle of the school spent time with her previously to help.

I won't share what happened here, but if you listen to the episode I break down exactly what happened. And perhaps it may help you with your kids or kid who is refusing to learn.

I hope this helps you.

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

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SnapChat: tiffanymika01 

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