Top 4 Myths For Sports Mindset

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There are a number of myths that surround mindset skills for sport. And we will uncover those top 4 myths here in this episode.

What stills happens today is that many athletes consider that mindset training, mental skills training or sports pyschology as a stigma, stating that there must be something wrong with them if they need to be working on their mindset.

I had that too! When I was 19 years old pursuing my professional tennis career,'I thought there was something wrong with me', because I was struggling in competition and tournaments. I worked my butt off but still couldn't compete the way I wanted to do.

And what was wrong with me at that time was that I was closed off! I was closed off to learning how to improve. I had a poor mindset approach to competing and myself in general. I had what you call a fixed mindset. I was so fixed on my ideas of what I should be, that I was so closed off to learning. I was frightened to work on my mindset. I didn't know at that time it was my mindset that was holding me back, but I was fearful of working on my mind because in my head, I thought if I need help then there is definitely something wrong with me.

Before I tell you these 4 Myths, it doesn't matter how old you are, what does matter is how open you are. My wish and request for you is to you be OPEN!

  • Be open to deveoping you.
  • Be open to learning new techniques both physicaly and mentally.
  • Be open to feedback (even though you may see that as criticism.
  • Be open to feeling uncomfortable (outside your comfort zone).

Even if you have heard all of this before - JUST BE OPEN!

Here are the 4 Myths below;

  1. Mindset Skills Training is Only for Athletes With Problems
  2. Mindset Skills Training is Only For Elite Athletes
  3. Mindset Skills Training is A Quick Fix
  4. Mindset Skills Training Doesn't Work

All of these myths are explained in greater detail in this episode.

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In this I show you;

  • what's holding you back from accomplishing your goals.
  • how to identify your strengths and weakness in your sport and your mental side of your sport.
  • how to craft your plan to go after your sports goals in a strategic way.

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Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

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