Ambition Habits Podcast

Gain The Mental Edge - Lesson 1

Gain Mental Edge Climbing Mountain
How we are starting in Gain the Mental Edge is with the Baseline Reality Check. The purpose of the Baseline Reality Check is designed for you to obtain a clear understanding of your current circumstances. With this understanding it will help you craft a system for moving forward and going after your goals.

5 Major Lessons Learned in 50 Years

5 Major Lessons Learned in 50 Years - Tiffany Mika
This episode is what I believe is the 5 major lessons learned in the past 50 years of being on this earth. Listen to these lessons and see if you agree? What are your lessons learned? I look forward to hearing them.

Your Ocean Within - How To Stay Calm

Your Ocean Within - How To Stay Calm - Tiffany Mika
This is a special episode for you. This is a simple way to relax and let the music take over. It's called Ocean Within. Your goal here is to breathe with the music so that you become calm and relaxed. It will teach you how to stay calm when you compete in your sport and everyday life.

What Paralyses Us

What Paralyses Us - Tiffany Mika
This will be the one thing that will hold us back, stop us, overwhelm us and takeaway our big dreams and goals. Listen to this episode so you won't be paralysed like so many people.

End Of Game Analysis - Reflection For 4th Quarter

End Of Game Analysis - Reflection For 4th Quarter - Tiffany Mika
This is the end of the fourth quarter, it's the end of our game so to speak. By us analyzing our game we can then get feedback of where we currently are.

What's Your Game Plan This Christmas - Temptations A Plenty

What's Your Game Plan This Christmas - Temptations A Plenty - Tiffany Mika
We are going to devise 2 game plans here. The first is how you manage yourself about taking time off and the second is how to manage yourself around the Christmas Food! Temptations a plenty!

Life Happens In Phases

Life Happens In Phases - Tiffany Mika
This is the time of year we are coming up to a break or finishing something for example school or college. What must you think about when you are about to embark on the next phase of your life? Listen to what you must do next in this episode.

Lessons Learned: How The Days Go So Fast

Lessons Learned: How The Days Go So Fast - Tiffany Mika
Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach.

Find It Hard To Focus When Under Pressure

This comes up with most people, they find it hard to focus when under pressure.

There are many types of pressure such as; sports pressure work pressure relationship pressure business pressure school pressure peer pressure financial pressure

Who Wins You Or Your Sport?

f you play sport it can be incredible frustrating especially if you are not seeing the results you want to see. But, if you are not seeing the results and you are frustrated - why is there frustration? There will be reasons why this is happening.

Poor Self Talk Will Always Stop You

Did you know that poor self talk will always stop you? In a nutshell, when you don't reach your expectations of yourself, you will make a number of negative comments to you. 

How To Have Amazing Relationships

When I refer here 'how to have amazing relationships', what I mean is that how you can have amazing relationships with anyone in your life, not just your partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, friends, parents, work colleagues, teachers... anyone who is in your life.