Striving In Lockdown: Take Control Of Your Emotions

Podcast Show - Listen Below

Podcast Show - Watch Video Below

The exciting thing we are starting to experience is that restrictions are starting to be lifted. And we are starting to find some form of normal.

It is however been an emotional roll-a-coaster for all of us. All of our lives have been affected in different ways. And we react in different ways to what gets thrown at us.

I have seen Covid-19 (Coronavirus) as an opportunity for change. And what I mean by an opportunity is this;
* we have learned to be creative with training and practise
* by being creative we have learned new ways to train and practise
* it's taken you out of your normal
* it's forced you to feel uncomfortable
* you are learning new skills

As you can see Covid-19 has had an opportunity for you to;
* upskill your skills
* improve yourself

But what does this have to do with taking control of your emotions?


How you feel is the result of how you think and what are your beliefs. And how you respond to a crisis is how and what you think of as a crisis.

Some people find a crisis as devastating and go into victim mode, poor little me and make excuses. And some people go into the mode of rise above the crisis. They work on ways to solve the problem, what I call a problem fixer or solution maker.

So let's talk about your sport and how you cope with that;
* Are you in victim mode, poor little me and making excuses?
* Or do you believe you are a solution maker?

This is all explained in much greater detail in this episode.

However here are the 3 main actions steps you can work on in taking control of your emotions.
1. Positive Phrases when you compete - what are positive phrases you can use when you are competing?
2. Stop & Take A Breath - if you can stop for a moment and breathe - regain your thoughts and slow down.
3. Focus on Staying In The Moment - just do the best you can do in the moment.

Let's GO!

Let's Crush It When You Compete!

Have you signed up for the FREE Successful Athletes Masterclass?

In this I show you;

  • what's holding you back from accomplishing your goals.
  • how to get your mindset right for striving towards your future (your destiny).
  • how to identify your strengths and weakness in your sport and your mental side of your sport.
  • how to craft your plan to go after your sports goals in a strategic way.

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Get a FREE COPY of FOCUS - How to reach your potential in sport, business and life.

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Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

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