Striving In Lockdown: Managing Yourself And Your Energy

Podcast Show - Listen Below

 Podcast Show - Watch Video Below

Tiff's Quick Tip - Watch Video Below

Welcome to the Striving in Lockdown series.

What we are focusing on in this episode is focusing on you managing yourself and your energy.

What I mean by this is;
* looking after nutritional health
* looking after your physical health
* looking after your mental health (comfortable in your own skin)
* looking after yourself - selfcare - downtime and rest

By you doing all of this will help manage your energy levels too.

We are challenged right now is the sense of we have been forced to take a break from our sport and it is easy then to move into holiday/vacation mode.

What happens we we shift into holiday mode?
* we don't train as intensely as we normally do - if we do any training at all
* we don't practice for our sport
* we don't eat high performance foods that we normally eat
* we sleep in
* we go to bed late
* we sit around and watch more tv
* we play extra video games etc.

We take a complete break from our sport.

But how long have you been taking a break from your sport?
6 or 8 weeks?
Maybe more?

When you get back to training for your sport, it's going to be tougher to get back because you have lost all your conditioning mentally, physically and nutritionally as you have let yourself go.

Therefore you will find it hard to get back to where you were if you continue down this path.

The question then becomes how do you bounce back?

Here is some structure for you to start bouncing back!

1. Meditation
2. Eat Well - Proper Nutrition
3. Train for your sport
4. Focus on your goals
5. Hydrate
6. Rest
7. Affirmations

For more detailed information, make sure you listen to this episode.

By you starting on this structure, you will feel better because;
* you are making the effort
* you are more focused on your goals
* you are eating and hydrating yourself properly
* calmer in your mind
* taking time out for self care
* feeding positivity into your mind

It's time to get to work and keep moving forward. Let's GO!

Have you signed up for the FREE Successful Athletes Masterclass?

In this I show you;

* what's holding you back from accomplishing your goals.
* how to get your mindset right for striving towards your future (your destiny).
* how to identify your strengths and weakness in your sport and your mental side of your sport.
* how to craft your plan to go after your sports goals in a strategic way.

Register at

Do you want to Reach Your Potential?

Get a FREE COPY of FOCUS - How to reach your potential in sport, business and life.

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Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

Connect With Tiff Here:


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