Freaking Out When The Pressure Is On Part 1


Do you freak out when the pressure is on?

If you are saying, "Yes Tiff, I don't know how to deal with pressure and yes I am freaking out when the pressure is on", then listen closely.

First we have to work out why you are freaking out (what is going on for you).

Do you;
* get nervopus about how you will go?
* scared that you won't play the way that you want to?
* worry about not playing well?
* every time you compete you crumble and you don't know why?
* train so hard but you get so nervous that you can't control it?
* get so worked up about your upcoming competition that you can't think straight?
* you want to do well, you want to win but can't?
* freeze up?
* feel like you are hitting a brick wall?
* you don't know why you are freaking out but you just are?

First acknowledge this is going on!

In this episode I have asked you to rate yourself through a number of statements that I read out to you. It will be most important that you listen to what these statements are so we can set a baseline.

From that we create the Baseline from what we will work from.

To understand the freaking out that you are going through it will also be useful to gain a better understanding the stages of freaking out (anxiety/stress), that you put yourself under. the 4 stages are explained in great detail in the episode.

The 4 Stages Are;
1. Your situation of pressure
2. Your perception of pressure
3. How you respond to pressure
4. How you perform under pressure

After understanding how these 4 stages work... now you have some questions to answer to prespare for the next episode.

1. What are the types of pressure that come up for you?
2. How do you feel about the pressure?
3. How do you react to the pressure both mentally and physically?
4. How do you perform under the pressure?

Answer the questions then in the next episode we will craft your plan how to overcome freaking out when the pressure is on.

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

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SnapChat: tiffanymika01 

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