Anti Bloodline Code: Seeing Failure As Devastating


When you lose a match or a competition in your sport, how does it make you feel?

It makes you feel down, sad, depressed and even like a loser.

Looking at failure in this way can really bring you down... to the point where you fear competing and make throw in the towel and give up.

But we don't want to look at Failure as devastating... we want to look at Failure is feedback. That is all failure is, it is just feedback.

But how can we go from feeling like a loser, feeling as though we are a failure to turning it around so we can put ourselves in a position to win?

We have to learn;

  • what is not working
  • then devising strategies to overcome it

How we do that through a 5 Step System Of Improvement which is outlined in the Bloodline Code: Embrace Failure As Feedback.

This is how you do it below, but ensure you listen to this episode as it is covered in more detail.

  1. Identify what areas or skills in your sport you can track.
  2. Create a table that is easy to track.
  3. Track those specific skills and areas.
  4. Analyze the results.
  5. Repeat the process.

Do it for 6 weeks and see what you come up with.

It will be very interesting data.

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

Connect With Tiff Here:
SnapChat: tiffanymika01

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