Anti Bloodline Code: No Discipline

The Anti Bloodline Codes can hold you back from gaining everything you want in your sport, your career anything you want in your life.

Don't let these Anti Bloodline Codes hold you back, especially No Discipline.

Here are the main points for No Discipline in the Anti Bloodline Code;
1. No set of rules
2. No code of behaviour
3. Casual on approach
4. Only do it when you feel like it (in the mood)
5. No structure and refuses to plan (wing it)

How do we turn this around?

Because we can change it, we can develop Unwavering Discipline in you.

You are going to work on 3 Major Elements. They are;

1. Create plans for struture
2. Set Goals
3. Show up and do the work

Here below is the layout on how you can do it.

1. Goal - Purpose - Strategy (GPS)

Your Ultimate Goal (in more detail in episode)
2. Goal - Purpose - Strategy (GPS)
_Part 1 _

Your Yearly Goal (in more detail in episode).
_Part 2 _

Your Quarterly Goal (in more detail in episode).
2. Plan Your Quarterly Goal
How to plan your quarterly goal (in more detail in episode).

3. Plan Your First Month in Your Quarterly Goal
How to plan your first month (in more detail in episode).

4. Plan Your Week
How to plan your week (in more detail in episode).

5. Evaluate Your Week
How to plan your first month evaluate your week (in more detail in episode).

This is how we create Unwavering Discipline for you.

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

Connect With Tiff Here: 
SnapChat: tiffanymika01 

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