6 Essential Steps To Being Organised For Success

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Being organised for success is everything. If you want those big dreams and goals to be accomplished you can't think you can just wing it or be casual about it. You have to get organised and plan it out.

The 6 Essential Steps For Being Organised for Success are;

1. Baseline Reality Check
This is establishing where you currently are in your life and in your sport. You know where you want to go but first we have to look at where you are at now.

Here are the questions to consider in Baseline Reality Check;
* Where are you currently in your life?
* Where are you currently in your sport?
* Are you happy? If yes, what is making you so happy?
* Are you unhappy? If unhappy what is making you so unhappy?
* What is working well in your life?
* What is working well in your sport?
* What is not working well in your life?
* What is not working well in your sport?
* What do you want more of?
* What do you want less of?

2. Plan Out Your Goals
Work out the major steps to get you to your big goals.

3. Break It Down Into Months
Consider these questions, for example the last 3 months of this year but can apply to any month.

Month Of October
* What needs to be true by the end of October?

Month Of November
* What needs to be true by the end of November?

Month Of December
* What needs to be true by the end of December?

4. Break It Down Into Weeks
Consider these questions, for example this month of October but can apply to any month.

Month Of October
* What needs to be true by the end of October?

Month Of November
* What needs to be true by the end of November?

Month Of December
* What needs to be true by the end of December?

5. Break It Down Into Days
Consider these questions, for example a day but can apply to any day.

* What needs to be accomplished by the end of the day?

6. Evaluate Your Week
1. What were your outcomes for the week?
2. Did you achieve your outcomes/goal?
3. What worked well in each outcome?
4. What didn't work well?
5. What must you focus on next week?

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

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