Do you ever evaluate your last quarter to reflect and identify if you stayed on track to achieve your goals? In this episode Tiff shares 7 essential questions you must ask yourself to evaluate your last quarter of this year.
You will need your jounal for this one... so get ready to take some notes.
Here are the 7 essential questions you must ask yourself;
1. What were my goals for last quarter?
2. Did I achieve my goals set for this past quarter?
3. If yes, how do I achieve them? If no, why did I not achieve them?
4. Were there any new strategies I have applied this past quarter? What were they?
5. Were there any new strategies that did not work? What were they?
6. What strategies are the most effective for me to use in the next upcoming quarter?
7. What must I focus on this next quarter to finish the year strong?
Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.
To your abundance,
Tiffany Mika
P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.
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