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Novak Djokovic recently won the Australian Open for the 8th time.
This was a magnificent win however, he was pushed to the limit by Dominik Theim. The Australian Open title could have gone to either player.
What were the lessons that Novak shared in his press conference after the match?
I share these 11 Lessons in detail with you in this episode, however the main points are below;
- Prioritizes Grand Slam Events
- Improvements
- Energy Drop & Recovery
- Took Risks
- Won't Yet Recognize Achievements
- Acceptance of The Challenge
- Seized the Opportunities
- Acknowledges Anyones Game
- In The Heat Of The Battle
- Triump Under Pressure
- Brink of Losing
If you want to be a champion in your sport then get out your notebook for this one as you will need to take lots of notes and start implementing these 11 lessons from Novak Djokovic.
Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.
To your abundance,
Tiffany Mika
P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.
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