#62 Web TV: How to Stop Slicing Your Hybrid

How to Stop Slicing Your Hybrid

 This week we are focusing on how to stop slicing your hybrid. This is a huge deal to stop slicing the golf ball, because that means that when you start hitting straight shots...well where you want the ball to go, the game of golf becomes so much more enjoyable.

What you need to practice are 3 things;

  1. Your hybrid
  2. A head cover
  3. Golf Balls

Now this is all you need to stop slicing the ball.

You may be saying, I have seen this tip before with the 8 iron, as I have given out a previous tip on how to stop slicing the ball right...but what you have to do here with your hybrid will be slightly different.

Before you go to set yourself up to the ball I want you to put your head cover underneath your right arm (this is for a right handed golfer, left handed golfers underneath your left arm).

Now when you are set up to the ball, take your grip with your right and left hand but instead of holding your normal grip, I want you to split your hands. This means your left hand at the top of the club and your right hand at the bottom of the grip. The reason I want you to have this position with your hands so that you can feel what your left arm is doing on contact with the ball and what your right arm is doing when you make contact with the ball. Another part that you can feel is your right arm is staying nice and close to your right side, so that you can feel where your right arm is on the down swing.

It all makes it very easy when you put the cover in underneath your right arm because you can feel what your right hand is doing when you play the shot rather than trying to think what you need to do.

You know what the bonus is here???

Your club will stay on the correct path to come down to make contact with the ball...rather than you casting your club out (as though you were going fishing). Therefore that club will not come across the ball produce side spin and end up with a slicing golf ball. You will end up with a nice straight shot down the middle of the fairway.

Just remember when you are making contact with the ball, keep that chin on the shoulder, don't be keen to jump up and see what the result of the ball is, you need to feel the contact first, then you can see the result with the ball.

It sounds easy doesn't it?

So that is all you have to do to stop slicing your hybrid.

I hope you enjoy today’s tip on how to stop slicing your hybrid and let me know how the practice goes!

To your golfing success,

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Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  

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