#139 Web TV: Improve Your 5 Metre Chip Shots

Improve Your 5 Metre Chip Shots

Did you know that you can improve your chip shots without having to do it on the chipping green?

You don't even need to be at a golf course.

In today's tip I am going to show you how you can improve your chip shots at home, in your backyard.

What you will need;

  • Your wedge - I have used a 60 degree lob wedge
  • Golf balls
  • Chipping next - if you have one (or you can use a bucket, umbrella etc)
  • Synthetic grass mat.

What we are going to work on here is for you to keep stability with your chipping technique and you can practice a particular distance... in this case a 5 metre distance.

Once you are set up the plan is to work on the control of the backswing and the forward swing, so that you have and can create a consistent action, and you are aiming and chipping the golf ball into the chipping net.

If you are a right handed golfer this is what you want to ensure that you do with your set up;

  • Left foot forward and right foot back
  • Right foot heel is not touching the ground (you you are on the ball of your foot)
  • Ball will be in line with the left foot

If you are a left handed golfer this is what you want to ensure that you do with your set up;

  • Left right forward and left foot back
  • Left foot heel is not touching the ground (you you are on the ball of your foot)
  • Ball will be in line with the right foot

When you are performing this swing action it is a STRAIGHT BACK & STRAIGHT THROUGH ACTION.

There is no wrist bend you are wanting to keep your wrists straight.

Your goal with this chipping technique is to establish the same swing length each time... somewhere around the 7 or 8 o'clock take back and finishing somewhere around the 5 or 4 c'clock area. This is something you will have to establish when you are practicing this 5 metre chip shot at your chipping net.

Once you have established that feel and swing length, the challenge that you will have is then maintaining it. It is easy to lose it once you have repeated it a few times because then you feel that you have got it.

So let's add an extra challenge in there for you... so that you can focus on what you need to do, work on getting your swing length right for that distance and begin to ingrain it.

Here is what to do...

The extra challenge is to see if you can chip the ball into the hole... 5 in a row!

It's an easy drill to work on, you can do it at home... because you can develop control and you these type of shots... length of shots will crop up for you in your game and you will know exactly what to do, because you have practiced it.

Have an absolutely awesome day, take care, and remember; Tee it high and Let it fly.

To your golfing success,
If you enjoyed today’s tip “#139 Web TV: Improve Your 5 Metre Chip Shots” please do me a favour, share with your friends on Facebook and please leave your comments below.

Tiffany Mika

P.S. If you want consistency in your golf game. Get the 3 Steps to Consistency that will give you the consistency that you need in your golf game. Click here to find out how!  

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