Each week it's important to look back at the end of your week and identify what lessons you have learned that will help you not only learn more about you, but gain feedback so you can keep on improving you to reach the heights you want to reach.
This week the lesson learned here was that some people won't set goals.
What was the lessons learned by **Some People Won't Set Goals**?
**2 Major Reasons Why They Won't Set Goals;**
1. They feel too much pressure
2. They feel anxious about their goals
But we want our goals to make us feel pressured, it will force us to do something.
**It forces us to THRIVE under pressure and gives us to take the power of our lives.**
What are your goals that you will be setting today to force you to thrive?
Reach out and share with Tiff your goals you will be setting.
Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.
To your abundance,
Tiffany Mika
P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.
Connect With Tiff Here:
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SnapChat: tiffanymika01
Website: www.tiffany-mika.com
Email: tiff@tiffany-mika.com