Is There Such A Thing As Good Mistakes?

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Podcast Show - Watch Video Below

Have you ever heard of mistakes being good? We get taught through school that mistakes are bad and you are either right or wrong. It is very much black or white.

In sport if you make mistakes it's either a win or a loss. And in business it is either succeed or fail.

However, we are brought up thinking:

  • mistakes are bad
  • mistakes are wrong
  • mistakes are a failure

And then what paralyses us?

It's the fear of making mistakes.

When you are competing or even practing in your sport and you start to doubt whether you cn actually excute the skill or pattern of play well enough, you will make a mistake.

It is where you are focusing your attention in that moment.

Therefore if you are focusing on that fear of making a mistake (because we are taught that mistakes are bad) then what do you think that will happen?

You are right! A mistake will occur!

The question then becomes, "how do we see mistakes as good?"

This will all come down to your attitude.

And your attitude will be that every mistake you make is FEEDBACK!

All that mistake that occurred has told you is that what you have done in that moment in time did not work. And if you focus on mistakes are good and they are just Feedback then you are on your way to improvement.

What can you do from now on?

  1. Learn from your mistakes
  2. Keep working on staying in the moment

Have you signed up for the FREE Successful Athletes Masterclass?

In this I show you;

In this I show you;

  • what's holding you back from accomplishing your goals.
  • how to get your mindset right for striving towards your future (your destiny).
  • how to identify your strengths and weakness in your sport and your mental side of your sport.
  • how to craft your plan to go after your sports goals in a strategic way.

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Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

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