High Expectations - Good Or Bad For Your Sports Performance?

Podcast Show - Listen Below

Podcast Video - Listen Below 


Do you believe that having high expectations are good or bad for your sport you play?

I believe that if high expectations not handled the correct way, it can actually harm your sport performance and you won't perform in your sport the way you want, plus be incredibly frustrated because of it. And when you get frustrated and worked up about your sport performance, it just goes from bad to worse.

My question to you is why do you expect to perform well in your sports competitions or tournaments?

Ponder on that for a bit, write down your answer and then listen to this episode.

I will show you how to deal with your expectations in a more manageable way.


Would you like to perform better in your sport?
Would you like to play with full confidence?
'FOCUS' will help you do just that.
It is my lessons learned from sport and how to apply them to accomplish your sports dreams.
Get your copy of 'FOCUS' here ==>> CLICK HERE
Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

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