Bloodline Code: Accept Fear Willingly And Enthusiastically

When you hear the word fear, what does it mean to you?

And how can you accept fear when you are fearful of losing or making mistakes?

The definition of Fear in the dictionary is: an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm.

That is what we are going to uncover in this episode.

The main points of Accept Fear Willingly & Enthusiastically.

1. Acknowledge you are feeling the fear.
2. You understand that feeling fear is all part of you being uncomfortable.
3. Being uncomfortable is how you learn and grow.
4. You love this fear feeling because you can channel it into giving your best effort of you.

This is broken down in much deeper detail in this episode, so make sure you listen to it.

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

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SnapChat: tiffanymika01 

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