Are You Terrified Of Losing Part 1

Being terrified of losing can be detrimental to your sport and will hinder your performance, because you will never play to the level you know you are capable of unless you know how to overcome it.

Consider this question...

**Why Are You Terrified Of Losing?**
* maybe you will be embarrassed if you lose
* you don't think you are good enough and when you lose you say to yourself 'see I told you so'
* worried about what your parents will say after they have invested so much time and money into you and your sport
* you may feel guilty because you are not winning and you feel as though you are letting them down

There can be a number of reasons.

But how do we overcome it?

This will be covered in detail here how to overcome it but here are the steps below to pinpoint what is actually happening.

**Step 1 - Awareness** - be aware of what is going on for you when you are playing.
**Step 2 - Acknowledge** - acknowledge that there is a problem.
**Step 3 - Ask this question, Why Am I Terrified Of Losing?** (write out the answer in detail)

Once we have identified why you are so terrified of losing, then we can work on what the strategies are that we can put in place. That will be coming in Part 2!

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

P.S. Leave a comment and share with me what you liked best about what you heard today... thank you.

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