3 Steps To Dealing With Anxiety In Your Sport

Podcast Episode - Listen Below

When we feel anxious about our sports performance it affects everything we do and how we feel.

I was watching a segment on 60 minutes recently and the reporter said that anxiety affects one in every four people. That's a troubling statistic.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is characterized by a negative emotional state such as nervousness, worry and apprehension. Even though anxiety can be seen as a negative emotional state it does not necessarily mean that you will perform badly in your sport. Some athletes thrive under pressure they feel.

And that's what we want to do, we want to Thrive Under Pressure not Dive Under Pressure.

In this episode we craft three strategies to help you deal with anxiety in your sport.
1. Breathing Mantra
2. One Shot At A Time
3. Creating Routines

These are explained in much greater depth in this episode. Get out your notebook, take notes and starting crafting these three strategies to help you deal with anxiety in your sport.

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big, Believe In You & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Tiffany Mika

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