#2: What Are Your 3 Words You Live By?

### What are your 3 words that describe how you want to live?

Why I ask you this question as I am curious to know if you have ever thought about how important the 3 words are in your life.

I discovered this a few months ago when I was reading Brendon Burchard's Book 'High Performance Habits'. In his book he was sharing his 3 words that he lives by and I thought that I should really figure out what mine were.

I got into asking myself the questions, how was it that I wanted to live and what were the 3 words that described how I wanted to live.

My 3 words I came up with were;
1. Adventure
2. Energy
3. Passion

The reason I came up with these 3 words as they really described how I want to live. I love Adventure, exploring new territories, putting myself out of my comfort zone, traveling, therefore this is important to me.

I love to have lots of energy. For me to have adventure in my life I need to have energy, therefore I must ensure I look after myself physically and nutritionally so that I have the energy for the adventure plus being able to achieve my dreams in life.

Passion being my 3rd, is that I am passionate about my family and people that I care about. I am passionate about my business and life.

Now those are my 3 words, what are your 3 words and why did you choose these 3 words?

Below in the comments section I want you to share with me your 3 words.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Have an absolutely awesome day and remember, Dream Big & Go After Your Dreams.

To your abundance,

Did today’s tip “What Are Your 3 Words” help you? If so, I would greatly appreciate you leaving a comment below and share with your friends on Facebook.

Tiffany Mika

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