Golf Talk With Tiff
Feeling Is The Secret to Consistent Golf
Do you want to play the best golf of your life? You actually can. And you can more often than you think if you get this right. Want to know more? It's time to really pay attention to this episode.
How To Set Your Golf Goals Now
Too often golfers just go on the golf course and play hoping that it all comes together for them. They are never clear on what they want to accomplish or how they are going to do it. Here is how to do it and get what you want out of your golf.
High Expectation - Is It Good or Bad For Your Golf?
Before You Tee Off Do This
There are 3 words that you want to utilise before you tee off to play your golf game. I can't tell you here but if you listen to the podcast episode I will show you exactly how to do it.
Stop And Smell The Roses
Golf Is A Path Of Discovery
Here's Why Routines Are Essential
The 2 Powerful Lists To Improve Your Golf
How To Recover From Bad Rounds, Bad Holes & Bad Shots
Setting Your Golf Goals For Next 6 Months
It's great that you want to be consistent in your golf and that's good that's it's a goal that you want to aspire to in your golf. But we have to be more specific what that looks like. If we are more specific then you know what to focus on to be more consistent. In today's episode we are going to set your goals for these next 6 months on what you want to accomplish with your golf.
Recover And Reset
Build Your Team For Your Golf Success
For you to be the successful golfer you want to become, you will need a team of people in place to help you make that happen. Ash Barty has just won Wimbledon, accomplishing her childhood dream. In today's episode we are going to look at who should you have in your team.